Contact Us

Our customers mean the world to us. We would love to hear from you!

Silverland Bakery & Retail Location

439 Des Plaines Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130

General Inquiries
(708) 488-0800


Monday – Friday: 7:30am-5:00pm CT
Saturday: 9:00am – 4:00pm CT
Sunday: Closed


How do I change my order?

Please call us at (708) 488-0800 to change your order

Why can’t I order less than 12 brownies for some products?

Sometimes when making delicate products free of preservatives and stabilizers, shipping can be a challenge. For that reason, these products are currently only available by the dozen.

I placed an order but did not receive a confirmation email

Please call us at (708) 488-0800 to make sure your order went through

Are your vegan brownies really vegan?

Yes, they really are! 

Have any questions? Please fill out the form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.